
Wanna keep that hand? Then back it up, buddy.

Alright. I'm a woman, you're a guy, we're both on the E train, right?? Okay. Perhaps we're standing or sitting relatively close to eachother. Does that mean I like you? NO. Does that invite you to talk to me? NO. In fact, you thinking you can whisper sweet nothings in my ear while I'm already miserable in a crowded, disgusting box of torture should give me the unrestricted right to judo chop you in the hip...freak. I'm not your mother, so don't 'mamacita' me. I happen to stand at a proud 5'6'' (even without the cane), so don't 'shorty' me, sonny. Oh and don't offer me your seat just so you can awkwardly stand your weewa five inches from my face and engage in an undesired conversation. NO. Should I say it in Spanish? NO. French? NO. Get it? I don't have an anger problem, I swear. I just hate all of you.
Have a good one.



  1. hahahaha! i hate people too!!!!!!

  2. I hate those free hands myself.. these pervs should get their fingers broken
