
7 train still holds the title for worst train in Queens.

After a long days work all I can ask for is a peaceful ride home. It's too bad that my only decent way of getting there is taking the 7. My ride started off to a shockingly good start since everyone managed to keep their ear bleeding voices down to a, yes I can't believe I'm typing it, quiet tone. Nevertheless, in walks Pablo and his mariachi band of five, where Pablo decides to sing and play his accordion six inches away from my ears which are now bleeding with every ounce of self pity I have left. After what felt like light years of watching the Telemundo channel, Pablo and his posse finally finish and move on to the next set of poor passengers in the other cart. I dream of the day when that special some one... somewhere out there, decides to get up and smash that accordion to billions of pinto bean sized pieces. Let's pray that I will someday witness this act of greatness in the near future.
Bless ya hearts,


  1. When they start walking in the train cart thats when you scream "immigration!" and that should solve that.

  2. lmao!!!!man this is great..its soo true and why does pablo decide to upgrade the business and travel with the children now..its like "watch and learn mi hijo..watch and learn"...lmao!!!

  3. these people arent afraid of La Migra anymore..if anything they will sing a beautiful mariachi lullaby as they shine the agents shoes!!!lmao!!!
